Post 100
Hello readers, well, I haven't been keeping count, but blogger has. This is my 100th post. This seems to be a fitting time to finally have it. Let's see where I've been.
I started this blog two years ago, come July. I was working as a lifeguard. The following summer, I worked as an intern at IBACOS in Pittsburgh. Kaitlin and I both enjoyed our business casual lifestyle, although I think my experience was better than her run in with the SEI.
That academic year between those two summers was my last year with such All Stars and Catherine, Mikos, and Josh. Think about Miklos! I turned 21 and our time together was all the better. I directed my first and only show with Joe McDermott. WASP, written by Steve Martin. I still think that's one of the best shows S'n'S has done in a few years. I also think that show destroyed my view on relationships for a while. I still don't think I'm totally over it.
The following academic school year was my senior year. SENIORS! I hate those people, people who get all excited and constanly yell SENIORS or '06! We don't have those people at CMU, of course, because that involves having interest in something school spirt related. This year, Team John Deere continued it's legacy with such things as punching and fixing holes in a wall. Also related, the Steeler's won their 5th Super Bowl. I was a lead in the Carnival musical, and I graduated with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. I also secured myself a job with ATK by Christmas, by interviewing all of first semester.
During spring break, I traveled to Elkton, MD where my new job is located. I looked around for places to live and got help from Amanda's friend, Marcy. I'll be living at Iron Ridge if I can get everything wrapped up there.
Right now, I'm sitting at home, about to go to Tim's to fix his DVD player. Earlier today, I bought with the help of my parents, a 2006 Hyundai Elantra GT. It looks great. I'll drive it to Joe's tomorrow so some of you may see it.
Things are looking good. I've got a job, a place to live and as of today, a car. All I need now is a girl friend and some sort of life fulfilment.
Team John Deere, ROFLCOPTER, we're off!
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