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Tuesday, February 01, 2005


I'm tarred for ruall. I slept for 20 minutes this morning before class. That power nap was the only sleep I got all "night". I was working on Thermal Fluid's homework. It sucked balls. I'm going to try and stay awake until bed time so I can get back on a normal sleeping schedule. I don't know if that will happen or not.

In other news, I love the cast of WASP. We're so great. Kaitlin threw a great party, many props to her. Did you guys hear the Scotch-n-Soda office needs to be cleaned? Apparently it's been an important issue for the Board of Directors. I'm sorry I'm such a dick, Board, but sometimes you make me want to take a red hot poker and stick it through my temples. I ate the agenda and then spit it out. I find being subtle doesn't always get your message across.

Becky leaves tomorrow. I'm going to miss you Beck-a-roo. I tried to see you tonight as you know, but the other bus I needed never game so I just came back. I did get to see you several times though, so that was nice. I can't wait for spring break 2k5!

I'm going to go watch some mindless television and see if I can find some food.


At 11:21 AM, February 02, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Connorkins,
A few hours from now I'll be back in Middleuropa. Wish me luck. Thanks for your attempts to visit me. I hope to see you on your spring break.
Keep your bed made.

At 5:43 PM, February 02, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What exactly is your issue, Connor?

At 5:43 AM, February 11, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 10:32 AM, February 11, 2005, Blogger the ROFLMAN said...

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At 11:37 AM, February 11, 2005, Blogger Joe said...

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At 2:36 PM, February 11, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 3:13 PM, February 11, 2005, Blogger the ROFLMAN said...

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At 1:44 PM, February 12, 2005, Blogger Scott D said...

Oh my god. What happened here? It's like a wasteland. Like .connorandjoe or .ice-cold

At 5:50 PM, February 12, 2005, Blogger Joe said...

The lengths of this war have known no bounds.

Anyway, it was a bunch of over-dramatic bullshit and we're cutting all that out. So welcome to the newer, happier



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