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Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Breakfast, the most important meal of the day...for an alcoholic

The ROFLCOPTER has found the best article on the INTERNET for a college student who drinks and wants to stay on top of things. If you read this article, you will probably never get a hangover or get sick after drinking. If you look to the right of the page, you'll see a link to and that's where I found the article "How a Hangover Works". It was very informative and helpful. I highly suggest you read it if you're bored and you have a few minutes. I'm glad to know that a lot of the things I have been doing have been helpful, such as:
  • pop a few tums before drinking
  • eat before drinking, esp. at the "O"
  • liquor before beer
  • drink a few cups of water before going to bed
They support all of that in the article, plus there was a lot that I learned. Apparently, burned toast is actually a great filter for toxins. Who knew? And for all of you true Scotch-n-Soda partiers, I have good news. Vodka is probably the best kind of alcohol to drink to avoid a hangover. Also, fruit juice helps replenish the body with the right kind of nutrients and vitamins so those girly drinks aren't that bad, despite how much alcohol Joe puts in there when he mixes.

With that in mind, get educated and get drunk. We're in college to learn, right? ROFLCOPTER, I think I'll have myself a beer, even though it has carbonation (read the article).


At 9:48 PM, December 29, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Connor Thomas,
Way to exploit the Irish in you. As a result of this new found information, you can reach your goal of having less and less blood in your vodka stream. Go make your bed.


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