I <3 my cast and so does Joe. Directing has been one of the most rewarding experiences in Scotch-n-Soda. It's been kind of shaky otherwise, you may have noticed, if you were around me last semester.
The double shot passed board preview, so that means we are given the go ahead to complete our show. I'm excited. Now, it's crunch time, so cast, expect to work. Board, thanks for letting us continue doing what you said we could do a month ago. WASP is going to be HELLA SWEET!
Side note: Becky should be back in Czechland and I haven't talked to her since she left so if you're reading my blog, hi! Communication is tough, half way around the world. I hope you got in ok and the airlines didn't loose your luggage.
ROFLCOPTER, take us up!
Hey Connorkins.
I arrived here safely but I they put me in the wrong room. Argh. Hopefully I can remedy this by the time you visit. Otherwise, things are great. We had an awesome first night out. But for now I have what I don't want (a roommate) and don't have what I want (an internet connection). So I must be off.
Na schledanou,
I had to show you this.
Later Connorkins.
But he's not gay, Squidward possibly is. SpongeBob is a good Conservative Porifera and I don't want to hear otherwise.
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