The Marathon of classes
This has been a long week. Tuesdays and Thursday are already what I call a Marathon but Wednesdays have just gotten longer now that I have to take a shop class at 8:30am. I've been going to class and running around today since 10:30am but at least I have no class tomorrow. I sure pay for it in the middle of the week though, that's foshizzle.
My drawing class went to the Carnegie Museum again Today and drew dinosaurs. I stayed until 2:45 and then hurried off to Heat Transfer and then got there late. The professor told the class when it was over that he didn't appreciate people arriving late. It sucks for those of us who have over lapping classes.
I'm glad it's the weekend. I feel as though I earned it this week. School is finally starting to pick up the pace and I hope I can hang on. If nothing else, I can always look forward to alcohol. Thirsty Thursday tonight.
By the way, the ROFLCOPTER has been busy sending e-mails today. It's been going all over the INTERNET, luckily it's good at it's job and BCC's everything.
I'm off to Kiltie Band. ROFLCOPTER, back to the INTERNET!
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