Tax Dollars at Work
The ROFLCOPTER had a slow day working at Denison Pool. The Copter witnessed me do a grand total of 15 minutes of work today. I was at work for seven and a half hours and yes I was paid for every second. It was a rainy day so the only patrons we had was this family of six people. I'm not sure what prompted them to come swimming on a cold and rainy day, but they did. They made me work for a whole 15 minutes, but I didn't mind so much, I kept myself and most of the staff entertained for most of the day. I thought it to be a grand idea to bring in my laptop and a couple of movies. I started to watch one and soon I had a crowd huddled around my laptop, trying to hear. We decided we could do better than that. I went home and got my external speakers and when I got back we cleared out the first aid and equipment room and filled it with dry deck chairs and blankets. Then 16-18 of us some how managed to fit in this small room. We closed the door to block out the light and watched the movie which was propped up in front of us on a pile of kick boards.
The first movie we watched was Pirates of the Caribbean and the second movie we watched was PCU. I thought the kids going into college and those going into college in a few years should watch that movie at least once. We all enjoyed ourselves and kept each other warm. We were like a pack of seals with a T.V. Tomorrow we're going to watch some more movies if the weather cooperates. For all of you out there that have to do actual work to get paid, I feel sorry for you. For Connor Thomas, the lifeguard, work is directly proportional to the condition of the weather and I say the rain can stay another day. ROFLCOPTER, turn up the volume and turn down the lights, it's time for work.
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