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Saturday, February 19, 2005

Where do you fit?

You scored as Director. You are the DIRECTOR.
You are a strong leader and you are multi-talented.
You are highly respected.







minor role






lead role






where do you fit into a drama play?
created with

Haha, that's funny. I hope I didn't do too bad as a director. I had fun with it, I must say. It was one of the best experiences I have ever had in Scotch-n-soda. I like building the set and all, but directing is awesome because I get to interact with the cast, it's a neat experience, I'm glad I was able to take part in it. Thanks WASP. Ha, director, I think that's funny. How 'bout that?

Friday, February 18, 2005

It's my B-Day

Yep, that's right, it's my birthday, which means I can now drink legally. That doesn't change much from before except for the legally part. G00000 Alcohol!

PS - I <3 WASP

Monday, February 14, 2005


May I present to you, new from Wesley Willis, Scotch-n-Soda Theatre. To generate lyrics, write at the bottom of that page:

Song Title: Scotch-n-Soda Theatre
Noun: ass fuck

BTW - special thanks to Joe McD, Dan T, and Alex G

Saturday, February 12, 2005

I <3 Lisa Seacat

Lisa Seacat, I googled for this pictureLet me tell you a story about how yesterday, I was the creepiest guy ever. I'm at the basketball game with the Pep Band and we're all having a good time. About a game or two ago, I got a program and decided to learn everyone's name on the girls Basket Ball team so I could say things, such as, Nice shot Nora, and things like that. There's nothing wrong with that.

We're all talking and I jokingly say, it would be funny if we face book the basket ball players so we could yell random bits of information during the game to be funny. Joe asked if I had my laptop, but unfortunately, I left it in the band room. But then I remembered I set up my cell phone so I could text the face book and get bits of information texted back to me about whomever I wanted that was signed up on the face book and I haven't really tried it out so I wanted to see if it would work.

For no particular reason, I pick number 22, Lisa Seacat. So the first thing I get is her e-mail and I go hey this is pretty cool. Joe says, Connor stop, you're turning into a creepy stalker. But I don't stop there because I think this is pretty funny and I'm always making fun of the face book, but here I am just taking it way out of hand. I look up a couple of more things, but then I get the idea, hey, I wonder if her cell phone number is on here. It was, that's when the rest of the band said I should call her and ask her out to lunch.

So, I did. It was the funniest, creepiest, dorkiest, thing a CMU student could possibly do, I think. But I did caller, I said things such as, Hi Lisa, I'm watching you play basketball right now or you're probably wondering who I am, why I'm calling you and how I got your number. I then asked her out to lunch.

I think I've now reached stalker status. Lisa, if you are reading this, sorry for creeping you out, it was a joke and I'm really not that creepy. But if you still want to get lunch sometime, give me a call.

Friday, February 04, 2005


I <3 my cast and so does Joe. Directing has been one of the most rewarding experiences in Scotch-n-Soda. It's been kind of shaky otherwise, you may have noticed, if you were around me last semester.

The double shot passed board preview, so that means we are given the go ahead to complete our show. I'm excited. Now, it's crunch time, so cast, expect to work. Board, thanks for letting us continue doing what you said we could do a month ago. WASP is going to be HELLA SWEET!

Side note: Becky should be back in Czechland and I haven't talked to her since she left so if you're reading my blog, hi! Communication is tough, half way around the world. I hope you got in ok and the airlines didn't loose your luggage.

ROFLCOPTER, take us up!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


I'm tarred for ruall. I slept for 20 minutes this morning before class. That power nap was the only sleep I got all "night". I was working on Thermal Fluid's homework. It sucked balls. I'm going to try and stay awake until bed time so I can get back on a normal sleeping schedule. I don't know if that will happen or not.

In other news, I love the cast of WASP. We're so great. Kaitlin threw a great party, many props to her. Did you guys hear the Scotch-n-Soda office needs to be cleaned? Apparently it's been an important issue for the Board of Directors. I'm sorry I'm such a dick, Board, but sometimes you make me want to take a red hot poker and stick it through my temples. I ate the agenda and then spit it out. I find being subtle doesn't always get your message across.

Becky leaves tomorrow. I'm going to miss you Beck-a-roo. I tried to see you tonight as you know, but the other bus I needed never game so I just came back. I did get to see you several times though, so that was nice. I can't wait for spring break 2k5!

I'm going to go watch some mindless television and see if I can find some food.